Short: Create a guide from several small files Author: Jan Klok Uploader: Version: 3.01 Type: text/hyper Replaces: MakeGuide3 I got the idea for writing this program when I encountered an ARexx script which did something similar. I then wrote it in C, added some more features, a full intuition user interface and help documentation. As of version 3.0 the user interface is MUI with an online help guide. The purpose of this program is very simple; create a AmigaGuide file from a list of ascii text files. This is especially useful if you have a large number of small text files you wish to combine into one easy to access AmigaGuide file. If binary symbols are encountered during scanning of the files the program will inform you gracefully with an appropriate errormessage. This program and it's source code is freeware. Do whatever you want with it. Feel free to contact me with any comments or questions.